From birth to the age of 5, this is the most crucial time for children’s growth and development. During this period, they are able to easily follow directions and be attentive. It is through early childhood educated wherein these abilities can be fostered for children to gain success later on in school and in life. Pre-K prepares children for school.
Furthermore, those children who enroll in high-quality early childhood learning programs can be able to further develop their skills and help them become ready for tests and social interaction. Pre-K promotes a love of learning in children and enhances what a child learns at home. Pre-K instills a love of lifelong learning.
What is Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK)?
In November 2002, Florida voters passed a constitutional amendment requiring a voluntary pre-kindergarten program for all four-year-old children by fall 2005. The program is designed to prepare four-year-old children for kindergarten by building a foundation for their educational success and provided at no cost to the parent. This program is voluntary for children and providers.
Is my child eligible for the VPK program?
If your child will be 4 years old on or before September 1st and resides in Florida, he or she may participate in the VPK program.
What will I need to enroll my child in the VPK Program?
Parents must bring child’s birth certificate OR physician-signed shot record and proof of Florida residency. The proof of residency must match the address where the child resides, which should be reflected on the application. A parent application for the VPK program is available at the time you sign up your child or you may download a copy of the application under the section IMPORTANT LINKS on the VPK website www.elcofduval.org.
VPK Holidays are $15.00 per day on top of Tuition. During school breaks that last longer than a day (Thanksgiving, Christmas or Spring) the weekly billing fees will be modified to incorporate the holiday rate not covered by VPK. You will always be reminded of this fee via e-mail or memo. This fee applies even if your child will not be attending; this will be considered as “holding their spot.”